Gold medal at 2019 iGEM Jamboree
Team Aachen, RWTH University won with their project "Plastractor"
The iGEM team Aachen 2019 was nominated for the category of "Best Environment Project”, and won a gold medal for completing their project.
The goal of the project was to create novel fusion protein embedded into the vesicular membrane of magnetosomes (M), able to specifically bind certain polymers, for example polypropylene (PP). This should help to detect and differ between plastics in an easier and cheaper way than with a mass spectrometer.
The International Genetically Engineered Machine competition (iGEM) is an international competition for students interested in the field of synthetic biology. In 2019, 353 teams from more than 40 countries participated.
m2p-labs supported the iGEM team Aachen for the fifth consecutive time.